Style Talk With Nora How I Wear Scarves
Hi Ladies, it’s time for another one of my “Style Talks” and today’s topic is scarves.
I will be sharing my favorite ways to wear scarves plus a few additional ways that are popular.
I hope you enjoy the video!
If you scroll down the page here to the area below the video I have included a few photos of my favorite scarves that we currently have in the store. Please stop by and check out the whole category as there are a lot more scarves I have not shown, including 4 brand new spring scarves we added yesterday.
I did not include photos of them on this page because they have not been styled for a Style Feature yet, but you can purchase them now if you wish.
I would love to hear your feedback on this video as well as what kind of style and fashion topics you would like me to talk about in the future, please let me know in the comments below and I will throw them in the “bag”.
You can also email me directly at nora@jacketsociety.com
See you all next time – Nora xx