Bridging The Gap Campaign
Back in February I introduced you all to the “Fierce 50 Campaign” which is a group of women 50 and older that I joined and it has seen tremendous growth recently. The group is now actually called “Forever Fierce: The Midlife Revolution” and a few months ago I was asked if I wanted to be a part of a new Fall campaign called “Bridging The Gap” and after finding out the purpose behind it, I decided that I definitely wanted to be a part of it.
This time the idea was to bring 50 midlife women (like myself) together with 50 millennial women as a movement to blur boundaries and put an end to any stereotypes. We were paired with a partner to interview one another and find out what sets us apart and ultimately brings us together as women.
Today I want to introduce you to my campaign partner, Kelsey Borlan Lee who I had the privilege of meeting in person last week to record this interview. We live in the Los Angeles area and agreed it would be much nicer to meet in person and do a video than just sending each other questions and answers via email.
I have to say that Kelsey is a multi-talented woman, wife, and mom who owns a company called The Brand Gals. Make sure to check out her website and all the wonderful services they offer at www.thebrandgals.com. Kelsey will tell you all about herself and how she started her business and what she does in the video below. I have also included a few photos of us together from our meeting.
I hope you enjoy watching the video and come to the same conclusion that I did after meeting Kelsey, which is that as women we are not that different at all and there really isn’t much of a gap in our generations. At the end of the day we all want to do our best and make a difference, be happy and fulfilled in our lives.
I would love to hear your thoughts about Bridging the Gap. Do you think there is a gap and if so how can we close the gap?